Call for Workshops

IEEE RFID-TA 2015 provides an opportunity to organize workshops and tutorials related to any type of RFID Technologies and Applications. The workshop session is a great chance to publicize breaking results, present an overview of research activities, foster research collaborations, or learn about the latest advancements in a field of interest (Please note that workshops are not for company sales purposes). Each workshop is typically 3 hours long and has 6-8 invited speakers. Since the conference is jointly organized with Auto-ID expo, we expect large number of audience from industry this year.

Workshop/Tutorial organizers will be provided with a room (80m^2 or 150m^2) at the conference venue free of charge on September 16, 2015. All audio and visual equipment as well as wireless internet will be provided as well.  It is the workshop organizer’s responsibility to create a program and locate speakers.  Workshop presentations will not be included on IEEE Xplore, but workshop presenters are welcome to use this venue to refine their research and receive feedback for publication in other conferences and journals. It is a usual practice for each workshop to open its own web site to invite participation and advertise. RFID-TA will, of course, promote the workshop on its website and other channels. Workshop/Tutorial presenters must pay for the workshop attendance ($150). However, presenters who register at the full conference rate have the workshop/tutorial rate included.

Tutorial/Workshop Registration

If you are interested in organizing or contributing to a workshop/tutorial, please send an email to the Tutorial and Workshop Chair with the following information:

-The name of the workshop
-A statement of goals for the workshop
-The names and addresses of the organizers
-The names of potential speakers (of a by-invitation workshop)
-The names of PC members (of an open workshop)
-A description of the plans for call for participation (e.g., call for papers)
-The planned time table of the workshop
-Expected number of participants.

Important Dates

  • Workshop and tutorial proposals due: 31 March 2015