Joint Session
IEEE RFID-TA and Auto-ID Expo Special joint session:
Personal information protection in IoT era – Japanese regulations, Food labeling, and Healthcare
Important notice:
- The spoken language of this session is Japanese.
- Participants with both full registration and workshop only registration can join this session.
Speaker Abstract
Prof. Fumio Shimpo, Keio University
Data Protection and Information Security under the Revised Japanese Personal Information Protection Act
Prof. Emeritus Shigenobu Ikedo, Miyagi University
New Labeling Systems of Foods in Japan
Prof. Masatomo Suzuki, Niigata University
How should the legal framework for the protection of pseudonymised data be formulated?
– Implications from the revision processes of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information
Please visit (Japanese) for more information on the special joint session of the Auto-ID Expo and IEEE RFID-TA 2015.