Author: rfid-ta2015_publicity

Conference closed

RFID-TA 2015 in Tokyo was successfully closed. Thank you very  much for your participation. Please see some highlights in our conference photos. We will see you all in Shunde, China next year .

Identifying, Empowering and Connecting Things

The power of internet commerce has revolutionized the ways which we buy and sell goods. These digital transactions transcend geography and allow anybody to buy and sell items across the globe. However, the logistics associated with this new, international supply chain require additional oversight to ensure successful delivery. Technology is essential in identifying these goods throughout the transportation process. Radio-frequency Identification (RFID) is uniquely suited to fill this technological gap as it provides visibility to management in making decisions regarding product routing.  This logistical clarity along with new developments in sensing and ubiquitous connectivity allow RFID to become an essential tool for both government and industry. The sixth annual IEEE conference on RFID Technology and
